Behavioural Support
About Beth
Hi my name is Beth and I am the Behaviour Support Specialist / Training Officer at Play Inclusion Project. I started at Play Inclusion Project in 2022 as a support worker and after a few months I was successful at getting the position of Blackpool Area Manager. After twelve months as the Area Manager I was then promoted to Behaviour Support Specialist / Training Officer.
I left school in 2013 and since then I have worked in various different settings with children, young people and adults all with complex, multiple and profound Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities. Alongside this I have completed seven years studying at University where I obtained a Foundation Degree and BA Honours in Teaching and Learning Support, a PGCE with QTS in Primary Education, and a Masters Degree in Education – Special Educational Needs. The combination between theory and practice is something I have always found valuable and I was fortunate to gain experience at a local Special Education school for nearly ten years while I completed my studies. I have a passion for helping to remove barriers for children/young people who have additional needs through various different proactive strategies.
The rationale behind the Behaviour Support Specialist role is to manage all aspects of behaviour and to work in partnership with our Area Managers and their support staff in implementing positive behavioural strategies. This is because Play Inclusion Project prides itself in providing proactive rather than reactive support strategies, adopting a holistic approach along with comprehensive and personalised activities to meet the individual support needs of the children and young people who access our services.